Written July 09 for Christian County Headliner News, MO
I hope you homeschoolers are having a wonderful summer. I’m sure some of you have taken a summer break while others have had to continue their schooling through these hot days. We’re nearing the end of July so I just wanted to take this article to remind you of some things to help prepare you for the new school year. If you’re considering joining a home school co-op or academy you’ll want to start looking right now. There are many options to consider. I recommend trying to join one very close to your home. Taking the time to drive quite a ways to one gets old after 5 or 6 months. Most acadamies are one day a week. Most have a fee to join and sometimes a monthly charge. Some coops require the parent to teach one class. Go online and Google southwest Missouri home school academies to find the numbers for them. Be sure to check out the following fall programs that will be starting up;
Choir, Dance, Band, Orchestra, Football, Basketball, Volley Ball, Soccer, Chess, Bowling Leage, and Debate. All of these programs are offered by homeschoolers for homeschoolers. There are a couple science programs available to help parents, Mad Science, and the Discovery Center are two of many. You can find out information at www.shemonline.org and www.thehomereporter.org.
If you still haven’t bought this year’s curriculum, be sure to go to Radiant, Mardels, Redeamed Books, and IPA . There are some really great deals to be had online, but I prefer to buy local when I can. I start my record keeping July 1st for the new year. Missouri law requires that we keep track of how many hours we teach each subject as well as a lesson plan book. I usually have a box for each child that they put their completed assignments in. At the end of the school year, I tape it up and put it in the closet.. This satisfies the state law that requires we have a portfolio of each child. If you are concerned about legal issues check out www.hslda.com, the Homeschool Legal Defence Association. They can answer all your home school legal questions, as well as represent you in a court case if you are a member and the need arises. Many homeschoolers join one or both of the south west Missouri home school organizations, Match and FHE. I won a free membership to Match at the home school fair this year and the membership gave me a discount for HSLDA. FHE also offers the same discount. Some people will be starting school in August. I usually wait until after labor day.
Remember as you get back to school that learning is a lifestyle and we want our children to enjoy it. At the same time they have to learn diligence, responsibility, and sometimes doing hard thing that they just plain ol’ just don’t want to.
I hope you homeschoolers are having a wonderful summer. I’m sure some of you have taken a summer break while others have had to continue their schooling through these hot days. We’re nearing the end of July so I just wanted to take this article to remind you of some things to help prepare you for the new school year. If you’re considering joining a home school co-op or academy you’ll want to start looking right now. There are many options to consider. I recommend trying to join one very close to your home. Taking the time to drive quite a ways to one gets old after 5 or 6 months. Most acadamies are one day a week. Most have a fee to join and sometimes a monthly charge. Some coops require the parent to teach one class. Go online and Google southwest Missouri home school academies to find the numbers for them. Be sure to check out the following fall programs that will be starting up;
Choir, Dance, Band, Orchestra, Football, Basketball, Volley Ball, Soccer, Chess, Bowling Leage, and Debate. All of these programs are offered by homeschoolers for homeschoolers. There are a couple science programs available to help parents, Mad Science, and the Discovery Center are two of many. You can find out information at www.shemonline.org and www.thehomereporter.org.
If you still haven’t bought this year’s curriculum, be sure to go to Radiant, Mardels, Redeamed Books, and IPA . There are some really great deals to be had online, but I prefer to buy local when I can. I start my record keeping July 1st for the new year. Missouri law requires that we keep track of how many hours we teach each subject as well as a lesson plan book. I usually have a box for each child that they put their completed assignments in. At the end of the school year, I tape it up and put it in the closet.. This satisfies the state law that requires we have a portfolio of each child. If you are concerned about legal issues check out www.hslda.com, the Homeschool Legal Defence Association. They can answer all your home school legal questions, as well as represent you in a court case if you are a member and the need arises. Many homeschoolers join one or both of the south west Missouri home school organizations, Match and FHE. I won a free membership to Match at the home school fair this year and the membership gave me a discount for HSLDA. FHE also offers the same discount. Some people will be starting school in August. I usually wait until after labor day.
Remember as you get back to school that learning is a lifestyle and we want our children to enjoy it. At the same time they have to learn diligence, responsibility, and sometimes doing hard thing that they just plain ol’ just don’t want to.
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